Dana Storozuk

Dana Storozuk, Director IYF NGO Accreditation Center

Ms. Dana Stotozuk is a young communications professional, passionate about development, youth empowerment, marketing with multinational work experience in the field of international marketing and communications.

Ms. Stotozuk holds Master degree in Marketing and the Media, and Bachelor of Media, Culture and Society (BA) from University of Essex.

  • Marketing and Communications Officer, Knowledge Pathways International Ltd.
  • Russian Language Teaching Assistant, Department of Language and Linguistics - University of Essex.
  • Student Researcher, Essex Business School, University of Essex.

  • Member, Photographic, Film and Environmental Societies of the University of Essex.
  • Member, Institute for Leadership and Management.

Transmedia Storytelling and Experiential Marketing in the Digital Space. Journal of Consumer Culture.

  • Big Essex Award for professional and academic achievements.
  • Graduated from Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees with distinction.

Entry in The IYF

IYF History
Dana Storozuk, Director IYF NGO Accreditation Center (2017- ), Member of the IYF International Relations Commission (2017- ).